10 Keys to attain Happiness: Based on data backed research
by Khatri, Rajat. Publisher: Bilaspur Evincepub Publishing 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 KHA- T] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 KHA- T] (1).
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108 upanishads: an introduction
by Dalal, Roshen. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin Books 2018Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 294.59218 DAL- O] (1).
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30 Days to Happiness: Daily meditations and actions for finding true joy within yourself
by Sciortino, Rhonda. Publisher: United states Hatherleigh Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 SCI- T] (1).
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Adriatic: a concert of civilizations at the end of the modern age
by Kaplan, Robert D. Publisher: Random House New York 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.101 KAP- A] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.101 KAP- A] (1).
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Age of AI: and our human future
by Huttenlocher, Daniel | Kissinger, Henry | Schmidt, Eric. Publisher: London John Murray 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 6.3 KIS- A] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 6.3 KIS- A] (1).
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Agricultural geography
by Husain, Majid. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.02 HUS- A] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.02 HUS- A] (1). Checked out (1).
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Anatomy and physiology : yogic context
by Bhalekar, Sharadchandra. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Lonavala (Pune) Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute 2018Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 BHA- A] (1).
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Anatomy and physiology of yogic practices: understanding of the yogic concepts and physiological mechanism of the yogic practices
by Gore, Makarand Madhukar. Edition: 5thPublisher: Delhi New Age Books 2012Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 GOR- A] (1).
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Annihilation of caste: With a reply to Mahatma Gandhi
by Ambedkar, B R. Edition: 3rdPublisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2022Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- A] (1).
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Artist's way: a spiritual path to higher creativity
by Cameron, Julia. Publisher: London Macmillan 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 133.9 CAM- A] (4).
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Asia's Cauldron: the South China Sea and the end of a stable pacific.
by Kaplan, Robert D. Publisher: Random House New York 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.59 KAP- A] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.59 KAP- A] (1).
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Atlas for India Edition: 5thPublisher: Oxford University Press New Delhi 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 912.0954 OXF- O] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 912.0954 OXF- O] (1).
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Bhartiya Sangeet Ke Prachar -Prasar Me Sangitik Sansthano Ka Yogdan: Haryana ke Vishesh Sandrabh me
by Chaturvedi, Saraswati. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 780.954558 CHA- C] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 780.954558 CHA- C] (1).
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Bhartiya Sangeet Ko Media or Sansthano ka Yogdan:
by Sharma, Radhika. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.540954 SHA- C] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.540954 SHA- C] (1).
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Brahmaputra: the strategic water resource of India
by Purushothaman, Vithiyapathy. Publisher: New Delhi KWW Publisher 2021Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 627.0954 PUR- B] (1).
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Castes in India
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: New Delhi Gyan Publishing house 2018Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- C] (1).
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Certificate physical and human geography
by Leong, Goh Cheng. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Oxford University Press New Delhi 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910 LEO- C] (3).
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by Keay, John. Publisher: Harper Press London 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 951 KEA- C] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 951 KEA- C] (1).
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Clash of civilizations and the remaking of World order
by Huntington, Samuel P. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin Books 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909 HUN- C] (4). Checked out (1).
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Compassionate conversations: how to speak and listen from the heart
by Hamilton, Diane Musho | Loh, Kimberly Myosai | Wilson, Gabriel Menegale. Publisher: Colorado Shambhala Publications 2020Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 153.6 HAM- C] (2).
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Creating characters with personality
by Bancroft, Tom. Publisher: New York Watson-Guptill Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 741.6 BAN- C] (2).
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Creative confidence: unleashing the creative potential within us all.
by Kelley, David | Kelley, Tom. Publisher: London William Collins 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.314 KEL- C] (3).
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Culture and imperialism
by Said, Edward W. Publisher: London Vintage 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 325.32 SAI- C] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 325.32 SAI- C] (1).
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Data structure using C
by Ahlawat, Anil K. Publisher: New Delhi I.K. International 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 5.73 AHL- D] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 5.73 AHL- D] (1). Checked out (5).
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Design as art
by Munari, Bruno. Publisher: UK Penguin books 2008Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 745.4 MUN- D] (3).
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Dimensions of Agricultural extension
by Burman, RRoy | Singh, AK | Singh, Lakhan. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Merrut Rama Publishing House 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630.717 SIN- D] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630.717 SIN- D] (1).
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Dimensions of Panini grammar: the Indian grammatical system
by Kapoor, Kapil. Publisher: New Delhi DK PrintWorld 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 491.250954 KAP- D] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 491.250954 KAP- D] (1).
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Disability inclusion and inclusive education
by Chennat, Sailaja ed. Publisher: Delhi Springer 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 371.910954 DIS- D] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 371.910954 DIS- D] (1).
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Diseases of vegetable crops
by Gupta, VK | Paul, YS. Edition: 3rd.Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 635 GUP- D] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 635 GUP- D] (1).
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Earth transformed: an untold history
by Frankopan, Peter. Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing London 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909 FRA- E] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909 FRA- E] (1).
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Economic geography of India
by Sharma, TC. Publisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 330.954 SHA- E] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 330.954 SHA- E] (1).
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Elements of plant virology: basic concepts and practical class exercises
by Kolte, SJ | Tewari, AK. Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 576.64 KOL- E] (3).
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Evolution of geographical thought
by Husain, Majid. Edition: 6thPublisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.01 HUS- E] (3).
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Explanation in geography
by Harvey, David. Publisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.01 HAR- E] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.01 HAR- E] (1).
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Farm management and agricultural marketing
by Panda, SC. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630.68 PAN- F] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630.68 PAN- F] (1).
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Federation versus freedom
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- F] (1).
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First aid and emergency care
by Harris, N. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Delhi AITBS Publisher 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 616.25 HAR- F] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 616.25 HAR- F] (1).
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Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happyness and well-being
by Seligman, Martin EP. Publisher: New York Atria paperback 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 SEL- F] (1).
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Freedom from the known
by Krishnamurti, J. Publisher: London Rider 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 152.4 KRI- F] (2).
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Fundamentals of geographical thought
by Adhikari, Sudeepta. Publisher: Orient Blackswan Hyderabad 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.01 ADH- F] (4).
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Fundamentals of remote sensing
by Jeganathan, C | Joseph, George. Edition: 3rdPublisher: Universities Press Chennai 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 621.3678 JOS- F] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 621.3678 JOS- F] (1). Checked out (1).
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Geography of Asia
by Tirtha, Ranjit. Publisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.95 TIR- G] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.95 TIR- G] (1).
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Geography of India
by Tirtha, Ranjit. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.954 TIR- G] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.954 TIR- G] (1).
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Ghai essential pediatrics
by Paul, Vinod K ed | Bagga, Arvind ed. Edition: 10thPublisher: New Delhi CBS Publisher 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 618.92 GHA- G] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 618.92 GHA- G] (1).
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Gheranda samhita: commentary on the yoga teachings of Maharshi Gheranda
by Saraswati, Niranjanananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SAR- G] (1).
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Global impact of Indian music: With special reference to Mauritius
by Ramyad, Gautami Bhagat. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 780.954 RAM- G] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 780.954 RAM- G] (1).
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Great arc: The dramatic tale of how India was mapped and everest was named
by Keay, John. Publisher: Harper Collins London 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 911 KEA- G] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 911 KEA- G] (1).
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Great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable
by Ghosh, Amitav. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin Books 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 809.9336 GHO- G] (5).
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Great educational thinkers of east and west
by Bhardwaj, Amita Pandey | Pathak, Ramesh Prasad. Publisher: New Delhi Kanishka Publisher 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 370.92 PAT- G] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 370.92 PAT- G] (1).
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Handbook of Agriculture: facts and figures for farmers, students and all interested in farming
by Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Edition: 6thPublisher: New Delhi ICAR 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630.0202 IND- H] (2). Checked out (1).
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Handbook of Horticulture: facts and figures for farmers, students and all interested in farming
by Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi ICAR 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 635.0202 IND- H] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 635.0202 IND- H] (1).
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Handbook of Horticulture: facts and figures for farmers, students and all interested in farming
by Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi ICAR 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 635.0202 IND- H] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 635.0202 IND- H] (1).
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Happiness habits: The urban professional's guide to good living
by Sriram S. Publisher: Tamil Nadu Notion press 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158 SRI- H] (2).
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Happiness in the way: How to reframe your thinking and work with what you already have to live the life of your dreams
by Dyer, Wayne W. Publisher: New Delhi Hay house Publishers India 2024Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 DYE- H] (1).
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Himalaya: exploring the roof of the world
by Keay, John. Publisher: Bloomsbury Circus London 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 911.5496 KEA- H] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 911.5496 KEA- H] (1).
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Hindi Chitrapat evam Sangeet ka Itihas
by Vimal. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.542 VIM- H] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.542 VIM- H] (1).
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History of economic thought
by Paul, RR. Edition: 8thPublisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publisher 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 330.15 PAU- H] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 330.15 PAU- H] (1). Checked out (2).
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History of economic thought
by Bhatia, HL. Edition: 4rthPublisher: Noida Vikas Publishing house 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 330.15 BHA- H] (1).
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History of Hindu music
by Tagore, SM Ed. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.680954 HIS- H] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.680954 HIS- H] (1).
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History of Indian currency and banking
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- H] (1).
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Human Geography
by Husain, Majid. Edition: 6thPublisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 304.2 HUS- H] (3).
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ICT in teacher development
by Chaudhary, SVS | Dash, Manoj Kumar. Publisher: New Delhi Neelkamal Publications 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 371.334 DAS- I] (2).
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In Europe's shadow: two cold wars and a thirty-year journey through Romania and beyond
by Kaplan, Robert D. Publisher: Random House New York 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 949.8 KAP- E] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 949.8 KAP- E] (1). Checked out (1).
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India 2024: a reference manual
by Verma, Kamla ed{et al}…. Edition: 68thPublisher: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GOI New Delhi 2024Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 080 IND- I] (1).
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India and Asian geopolitics: The past, present
by Menon, Shivshankar. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin Random House 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.101095 MEN- I] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.101095 MEN- I] (1). Checked out (1).
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India that is Bharat: coloniality, civilisation, constitution
by Deepak, JSai. Publisher: New Delhi Bloomsbury 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 325.30954 DEE- I] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 325.30954 DEE- I] (1).
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India: a comprehensive geography
by Khullar, DR. Edition: 6thPublisher: Kalyani Publishers Ludhiana 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.954 KHU- I] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.954 KHU- I] (1). Checked out (1).
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Indian music in professional and academic institutions
by Chaudhuri, Manjusree. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 780.70954 CHA- I] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 780.70954 CHA- I] (1).
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Information and communication technology (ICT) in education
by Mrunalini, T | Ramakrishna, A. Publisher: New Delhi Neelkamal Publications 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 371.334 MRU- I] (2). Checked out (1).
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Inner Engineering (Hindi): Anandmai Jeevan ke Sutra
by Sadhguru. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin books 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 INN- I] (3).
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Integrated pest management: concepts and approaches
by Arora, Ramesh | Dhaliwal, GS. Edition: 3rd,Publisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 632.95 DHA- I] (3).
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Kathmandu dilemma: resetting India-Nepal ties
by Rae, Ranjit. Publisher: Gurugram Vintage 2021Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.95405496 RAE- K] (1).
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Key issues in the sociology of education
by Domina, Thurston ed{et al}…. Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 370.19 KEY- K] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 370.19 KEY- K] (1).
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Life's amazing secrets: how to find balance and purpose in your life.
by Das, Gaur Gopal. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin| Ananda 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 128 DAS- L] (3).
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Light on yoga: the definitive guide to yoga practice
by Iyengar, BKS. Publisher: London Harper Thorsons 2015Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 IYE- L] (1).
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Logo process: create BIG logos for small business
by Sleaford, Luke B. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Australia Deluka Publishers 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 741.6 SLE- L] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 741.6 SLE- L] (1).
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Macroeconomics: theory and policy
by Ahuja, HL. Edition: 20thPublisher: Noida S.Chand 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 339.3 AHU-M] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 339.3 AHU- M] (1).
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Maths Sutra: the art of vedic speed calculation
by Tekriwal, Gaurav. Publisher: Gurugram Penguin books 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 294.5921 TEK- M ] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 294.5921 TEK- M ] (1).
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Medicinal Chemistry
by Kar, Ashutosh. Edition: 8thPublisher: New Delhi NewAge International 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 615.19 KAR- M] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 615.19 KAR- M] (1).
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Meditation and its practices: A definitive guide to techniques and traditions of meditation in Yoga & Vedanta
by Adiswarananda, Swami. Publisher: Kolkata Advaita Ashrama 2021Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158.12 ADI- M] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158.12 ADI- M] (1).
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Meditation Breathing Techniques: A guide to the different breathing techniques that people can use in their maditatioan practice
by Patidar, Vijay. Publisher: Chennai Notion press 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158.12 PAT- M] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158.12 PAT- M] (1).
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Mind in the making: the seven essential life skills every child needs
by Galinsky, Ellen. Publisher: New York William Morrow (imprint of HarperCollins Publisher) 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 155.4 GAL- M] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 155.4 GAL- M] (1). Checked out (1).
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Mindful Zen Habits: From suffering to happiness in 30 days
by Reklau, Marc | Villa, Manuel. Publisher: New Delhi Rupa Publications 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 REK- M] (1). Checked out (1).
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Mindfulness for dummies
by Alidina, Shamash. Edition: 3rdPublisher: New Jersey John Wiley & sons 2020Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158.12 ALI- M] (1).
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Minds on fire: how role-immersion games transform college
by Carners, Mark C. Publisher: London Harvard University Press 2014Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 378.17 CAR- M] (1).
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Models in Geography
by Husain, Majid. Publisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.954 HUS- M] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.954 HUS- M] (1).
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Modern geographical thought
by Peet, Richard. Publisher: Rawat Publications Jaipur 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 910.01 PEE- G] (4).
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Modern techniques of raising field crops
by Singh, Chhidda | Singh, Prem | Singh, Rajbir. Edition: 4rthPublisher: New Delhi CBS Publisher 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 633 SIN- M] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 633 SIN- M] (1).
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Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the future of American power
by Kaplan, Robert D. Publisher: Random House New York 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.7301824 KAP- M] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.7301824 KAP- M] (1).
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Mudra Vigyan: philosophy and practice of yogic gestures
by Saraswati, Niranjanananda | Saraswati, Satyananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 MUD- M] (1).
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Operations research
by Naidu, NVR | Rajendra, G | Rao, T Krishna. Publisher: New Delhi I.K. International 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.4034 NAI- O] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.4034 NAI- O] (1). Checked out (1).
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Pakistan or the partition of India
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- P] (1).
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Pebbles: What more can I put in your magical bag
by Ozin. Publisher: New Delhi IP Innovative Publication 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170.44 ARO - P] (1). Checked out (1).
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Physical, human and economic geography: for civil services examinations
by Khullar, DR. Edition: 2ndPublisher: G.K. Publications New Delhi 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.31125 KHU- P] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.31125 KHU- P] (1).
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PLA's tactical transformation with Chinese characteristics
by Narang, Anshuman. Publisher: England G.B. Books 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 355.00951 NAR- P] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 355.00951 NAR- P] (1).
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Plant viruses, diseases, and their management
by Biswas, Kajal Kumar. Publisher: New Delhi Techsar 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 576.6483 BIS- P] (3).
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Power of now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment
by Tolle, Eckhart. Publisher: Mumbai Yogilmpressions 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 133.9 TOL- P] (2).
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Practices of yoga for the digestive system
by Shankardevananda. Edition: 3rd.Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SHA- P] (1).
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Prana and pranayama
by Saraswati, Niranjanananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SAR- P] (1).
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Principles of Agronomy
by Reddy, GH Sankara | Reddy, T Yellamanda. Edition: 6thPublisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630 RED- P] (2). Checked out (1).
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Principles of Agronomy
by Reddy, SR. Edition: 7thPublisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630 RED- P] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630 RED- P] (1).
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Principles of microeconomics
by Ahuja, HL. Edition: 22ndPublisher: Noida S.Chand 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 338.5 AHU- P] (1). Checked out (1).
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Principles of population studies
by Bhende, Asha A | Kanitkar, Tara. Edition: 19thPublisher: Mumbai Himalaya Publishing House 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 304.6 BHE- P] (2).
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Ranade Gandhi & Jinnah
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: New Delhi Gyan Publishing house 1943Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- R] (1).
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Regional disparities in India's socio-economic development
by Bagchi, Kanak Kanti ed. Publisher: New Delhi New Century Publications 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 338.954 REG- R] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 338.954 REG- R] (1).
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Remote sensing and GIS
by Bhatta, Basudeb. Edition: 3rdPublisher: Oxford University Press New Delhi 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 621.3678 BHA- R] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 621.3678 BHA- R] (1). Checked out (2).
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Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches
by Creswell, J David | Creswell, John W. Edition: 6thPublisher: Los Angeles Sage Publishers 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 1.42 CRE- R] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 1.42 CRE- R] (1).
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Research Methodology
by Garg, Gaurav | Kothari, CR. Edition: 5thPublisher: Banglore New Age 2024Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 1.42 KOT- R] (1).
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Research methodology and applications of SPSS in social science research
by Muthulakshmi, S | Pandian, P Sundara | Vijayakumar, T. Publisher: New Delhi Sultan Chand & Sons 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 1.420243 PAN- R] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 1.420243 PAN- R] (1).
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Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners
by Ranjit Kumar. Edition: 4rthPublisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2014Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 00 1.42 RAN- R] (1).
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Return of Marco Polo's World: war, strategy , and American Interests in the twenty-first century
by Kaplan, Robert D. Publisher: Random House New York 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.73 KAP- R] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.73 KAP- R] (1).
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Revenge of Geography: what the map tells us about coming conflicts and the battle against fate
by Kaplan, Robert D. Publisher: Random House New York 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 320.12 KAP- R] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 320.12 KAP- R] (1).
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Science of breath: the oriental breathing philosophy of physical, mental, psychic and spiritual development
by Ramacharaka. Publisher: Gearhart (US) Watchmaker Publishing 2011Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.450202 RAM- S] (1).
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Shades of blues: Connecting the drops in India cities
by Mundoli, Seema | Nagendra, Harini. Publisher: Penguin I Viking India 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 711.40954 NAG- S] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 711.40954 NAG- S] (1).
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Shortest history of Israel and Palestine
by Baumann, Michael Scott-. Publisher: New Delhi Picador (Pan Macmillan) 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909.095694 SCO- S] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909.095694 SCO- S] (1). Checked out (1).
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Silk roads: a new history of the World
by Frankopan, Peter. Publisher: Bloomsbury London 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909 FRA- S] (3). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 909 FRA- S] (1). Checked out (1).
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Solve for Happy: Engineer your path to happy
by Gawdat, Mo. Publisher: London Bluebird 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 GAW- S] (1).
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Spectrometric identification of organic compounds
by Silverstein, Robert M [et al]. Edition: 8thPublisher: New Delhi Wiley India 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 547.8 SIL- S] (3).
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State and Government in Ancient India
by Altekar, AS. Publisher: Delhi Motilal Bansarsidas Publishers 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 954 ALT- S] (4).
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State and minorities what are their right and how to secure them in the constitution of free India
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- S] (1).
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Stoicism and the Art of Happiness: Practical wisdom for everyday life
by Robertson, Donald. Publisher: UK Teach yourself 2018Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 ROB- S] (1).
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Surya namaskara: a technique of solar vitalization
by Saraswati, Satyananda. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SAR- S] (1).
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Swara yoga: the tantric science of brain breathing
by Muktibodhananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SWA- S] (1).
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Teacher education in the 21st century
by Rashmi Kumar ed | Subhash Chander ed | Bharti ed. Publisher: Los Angeles Sagr | Texts 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 370.71095405 TEA- T] (2).
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Text book of Pharmaceutical Validation
by Patil, Sheetal Vikas [et al]. Publisher: Punjab S. Vikas & company 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 615.18 PAT- T] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 615.18 PAT- T] (1).
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Textbook of Agronomy
by Annadurai, K | Chandrasekaran, B | Somasundaram, E. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Banglore New Age International 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 630 CHA- T] (3).
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Textbook of Applied Entomology -II: Insects of economic importance
by Dhaliwal, GS | Singh, Gursharan | Srivastava, KP. Edition: 4rthPublisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 632.7 SIN- T] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 632.7 SIN- T] (1).
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Textbook of fungi, bacteria and viruses
by Dube, HC. Edition: 3rd.Publisher: Jodhpur Student edition 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 589.2 DUB- T] (2).
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Textbook of Pharmacovigilance
by Garg, Ashish | Garg, Sweta. Publisher: Punjab S. Vikas & company 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 615.704 GAR- T] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 615.704 GAR- T] (1).
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Textbook on discrete mathematics
by Nayak, Rakesh | Sastry, CV. Publisher: New Delhi I.K. International 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 510 SAS- T] (9). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 510 SAS- T] (1).
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The Buddha and his Dhamma
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- B] (1).
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The evolution of provincial finance in British India: A study in the provincial decentralisation of imperial finance
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- E] (1).
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The problem of the rupee: Its origin and solution
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2018Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- P] (1).
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The secrets to happiness at work: How to choose and create purpose and fulfillment in your work
by Brower, Tracy. Publisher: illinois Simple truths 2021Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 BRO- S] (1).
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The Untouchables: Who were they and why they became untouchables
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB-U] (1).
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Theories of International relations
by Devetak, Richard ed | True, Jacqui ed. Edition: 6thPublisher: New Delhi Bloomsbury 2022Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.101 THE- T] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.101 THE- T] (1).
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Thirty years of Asean-India relations: towards Indo- Pacific
by De, Prabir ed. Publisher: New Delhi KWW Publisher 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.095 THI- T] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.095 THI- T] (1).
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Traditional knowledge system in India
by Jha, Amit. Publisher: New Delhi Atlantic 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 080.954 JHA- T] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 080.954 JHA- T] (1). Checked out (1).
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Uttar Bharatiya Shastriya Sangit ka Vikas
by Chauhan, Pushpa. Publisher: New Delhi Sanjay Prakashan 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.680954 CHA- D] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 781.680954 CHA- D] (1).
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Weed management
by Walia, US. Edition: 5thPublisher: Ludhiana Kalyani Publishers 2018Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 632.58 WAL- W] (4). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 632.58 WAL- W] (1).
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Weed management: principles and practices
by Gupta, OP. Edition: 3rdPublisher: Jodhpur Agrobios(India) 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 632.58 GUP- W] (3).
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What congress and M.K Gandhi have done to the untouchables:
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- W] (1).
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Who were the Shudras ?: How they came to be fourth varna in the Indo- Aryan society
by Ambedkar, B R. Publisher: Delhi Kalpaz Publications 2017Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 306.20954 AMB- W] (1).
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Why Bharat matters
by Jaishankar, S. Publisher: New Delhi Rupa Publications 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.0954 JAI- W] (2). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327.0954 JAI- W] (1).
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World order: reflections on the character of nations and the course of history
by Kissinger, Henry. Publisher: UK Penguin books 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 327 KIS- H] (4).
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Yoga and mental health and beyond: A guide to self management
by Bhogal, RS. Publisher: Lonavala (Pune) Kaivalyadham 2021Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 BHO- Y] (1).
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Yoga education for children
by Saraswati, Satyananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SAR- Y] (1).
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Yoga education for children
by Saraswati, Satyananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SAR- Y] (1).
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Yoga nidra
by Saraswati, Satyananda. Edition: 6thPublisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 SAR- Y] (2).
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Yoga sutras of patanjali
by Satchidananda Tr. Publisher: Buckingham Integral Yoga Publications 2020Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.452 YOG- A] (1).
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Yogic management of common diseases
by Karmananda. Publisher: Munger (Bihar) Yoga Publication Trust 2013Availability: Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 181.45 KAR- Y] (1).
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You can heal your life
by Hay, Louise. Publisher: New Delhi Hay House Publishers 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 158.1 HAY- Y] (2). Checked out (1).
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ZEN The art of simple living: 100 Daily Practices from a Japanese Zen Monk for a Lifetime of Calm and Joy
by Masuno, Shunmyo. Publisher: United Kingdom Michael Joseph(Penguin) 2019Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 170 MAS- Z] (1).
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Zen X leadership: The art of synergizing paradoxes
by Attili, Sharada. Publisher: Chennai Notion press 2023Availability: Items available for loan: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.4092 ATT- Z] (1). Items available for reference: Amity Central Library [Call number: 658.4092 ATT- Z] (1).
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