New Additions, March 2025 /cgi-bin/koha/ RSS feed for public list New Additions, March 2025 A History of modern India by Banerjee-Dube, Ishita /cgi-bin/koha/ A Manual of biological anthropology by Singh, Indera P. /cgi-bin/koha/ A Simple introduction to vedantic non-duality by Atri, Deepak /cgi-bin/koha/ A Textbook of workshop technology by Dhounchak, Deepak /cgi-bin/koha/ Akalank' s What will be Delhi in 2041 for public suggestions by Jain, Akalank Kumar /cgi-bin/koha/ An Introduction to Indian music by Deva, B. Chaitanya /cgi-bin/koha/ Anatomy and Physiology /cgi-bin/koha/ Ancient Indian education by Mookerji, Radha Kumud /cgi-bin/koha/ Android programming for beginners /cgi-bin/koha/ Applied statistics in physical education and sports /cgi-bin/koha/ Computer applications in physical education /cgi-bin/koha/ Curriculum Design /cgi-bin/koha/ Differential calculus by Narayan, Shanti /cgi-bin/koha/ Educational technology and methods of teaching in physical education by Moghe,Vijay /cgi-bin/koha/ Educational technology and methods of teaching in physical education /cgi-bin/koha/ Educational technology and methods of teaching in physical education by Abraham, Jithin Thomas /cgi-bin/koha/ Elements of coordinate geometry by Loney, S.L. /cgi-bin/koha/ Environment and disaster management by Khullar, D.R. /cgi-bin/koha/ Essence of Hindustani classical music vocal tradition by Sinha, Shardanand /cgi-bin/koha/ Essentials of linear programming by Chandan, Jit S. /cgi-bin/koha/ Exploring early India up to C.AD 1300 by Chakravarti, Ranabir /cgi-bin/koha/ First course in lattice theory and boolean aglebra: by Malhotra, Rita /cgi-bin/koha/ Foundation of physical education /cgi-bin/koha/ From Plassey to partition and after by Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar /cgi-bin/koha/ From the beginning of time by Swaminathan, Ganesh /cgi-bin/koha/ Gleanings from Rig Veda by Moorthy, Choudur Satyanarayana /cgi-bin/koha/ Health education by Singh, Neeraj Pratap /cgi-bin/koha/ Health education and sports nutrition /cgi-bin/koha/ Higher Algebra by Hall, H.S. /cgi-bin/koha/ Historical readings in physical education by Bhardwaj, Sudesh /cgi-bin/koha/ Integral calculus by Narayan, Shanti /cgi-bin/koha/ Introduction to materials science and engineering by Ralls, Kenneth M. /cgi-bin/koha/ Introduction to topology and modern analysis by Simmons, George F. /cgi-bin/koha/ Kinesiology and biomechanics /cgi-bin/koha/ Mathematical analysis by Narayan, Shanti /cgi-bin/koha/ Measurement and evaluation in physical education /cgi-bin/koha/ Pandeymonium by Pandey, Piyush /cgi-bin/koha/ Physiology of exercise /cgi-bin/koha/ Research and statistics in physical education /cgi-bin/koha/ S.Chand's Simplified course in vector Calculus by Raisinghania, M.D. /cgi-bin/koha/ Schaum's outline of theory and problems of engineering mechnics: by Mclean, W.G. /cgi-bin/koha/ Sports journalism and mass media by Rawal, Hitesh Chandra /cgi-bin/koha/ Sports management /cgi-bin/koha/ Sports medicine physiotherapy and rehabilitation /cgi-bin/koha/ Sports psychology and sociology /cgi-bin/koha/ Sports training /cgi-bin/koha/ Statistics for management by Chandrasekaran, N. /cgi-bin/koha/ Text book of vector algebra: by Narayan, Shanti /cgi-bin/koha/ Textbook of matrices by Narayan, Shanti /cgi-bin/koha/ Textbook of modern abstract algebra by Narayan, Shanti /cgi-bin/koha/ The age of extremes by Hobsbawm, Eric /cgi-bin/koha/ The Basics of social research by Babbie, Earl /cgi-bin/koha/ The Big bang and the sages by Chhabra, Sidharth /cgi-bin/koha/ The Dictionary of Hindustani classical music by Roychaudhuri, Bimalakanta /cgi-bin/koha/ The Educational heritage of ancient India by Singh, Sahana /cgi-bin/koha/ Theory of sports and games /cgi-bin/koha/ World civilizations by Burns, Edward MacNall…[etal]… /cgi-bin/koha/ Yogic Sciences /cgi-bin/koha/