Fundamentals of airplane flight mechanics
By: Hull, David G.
Publisher: New York Springer 2010Description: xiii; 298.ISBN: 9788184896039.Subject(s): Airplanes--Trajectories | Engineering | EngineeringDDC classification: 629.132No physical items for this record
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629.132 3 HOU- A Aerodynamics for Engineeing Students | 629.132 AND- M Modern compressible flow with historical perspective | 629.132 AND- M Modern compressible flow with historical perspective | 629.132 HUL- F Fundamentals of airplane flight mechanics | 629.132 HUL- F Fundamentals of airplane flight mechanics with 125 figures and 25 tables | 629.132 KER- F Flight without formulae : | 629.132 KER- M Mechanics of Flight |
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